Drink of the Day: A Tall Starbucks Caramel Frappuccino
We both got up early to get ready for school and we were out the door by 7:45am. By 7:50am, we entered the gates of The Learning Connection in San Juan, where Joshua will be spending 2 hours a day for the rest of the school year. We met her 3 teachers, Teacher Anne, Teacher Christina and Teacher Mariel, who were very friendly and accommodating. Joshua was a bit shy at first and yaya had to stay with him the whole class, just to make sure that he won't cry with the new surroundings and people. But according to yaya, Joshua didn't cry at all and by the end of the class, he was following all the teachers' activities and making new friends. He even brought home 2 stars and a
stamp for the good job he did in class.
I guess it's a bittersweet moment for me. On the one hand, I'm very happy and proud that my little one is growing up and starting his own adventures outside of our home. He'll be learning new things and making new friends. On the other hand, I'm also a bit sad....and maybe a bit nostalgic. Because this means that my little Joshua is not so little anymore. He'll be experiencing new things that I won't be a part of. And he'll be forming new attachments to people I won't know very well, like his classmates.
Good luck my love. May the world show you what a wonderful place it can be! I will always be here to guide you and help you whenever you need me.
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