Gross Motor Skills
- Has direction and speed when walking, climbing stairs, running and jumping - SP
- Propels oneself with wheeled toys - VS
- Climbs with ease - VS
- Throws or catches balls - LP
- Has a sense of rhythm - SP
Fine Motor Skills
- Accomplishes small muscle tasks such as scribbling, coloring, cutting and pasting - SP
- Carries out self help skills in dressing and feeding - SP
- Demonstrates an effective grip - SP
- Uses graphomotor skills - SP
- Knows safety information - SP
- Communicates with adults - SP
- Communicates with other children - LP
- Enjoys conversation - SP
- Volunteers information - LP
- Express feelings - SP
- Is positive about oneself - SP
- Demonstrates independence in certain tasks - SP
- Shows interest and participates in classroom tasks - VS
- Plays and / or works cooperatively - SP
- Makes established connections - SP
- Has the capacity for humor - SP
- Accepts and respects authority - SP
- Adapts to varied social situations - LP
Literacy and Language Skills
- Verbalizes songs and finger plays - SP
- Dictates stories - LP
- Recalls story details - LP
- Retells stories from books - LP
- Exhibits literary behavior - SP
- Recognizes upper case letters - LP
- Has phonemic awareness - LP
- Recognizes rhymes - LP
- Identifies sight words - LP
- Writes all upper case letters - LP
- Uses letter strings - NA
- Copies familiar words - NA
- Can appreciate story lines - SP
- Follows 2-3 step directions - SP
- Plans activities - SP
- Has solutions when problem solving - SP
- Integrates learned knowledge - SP
- Persists in accomplishing certain tasks - SP
- Maintains focus at necessary tasks - SP
- Awareness of cause and effect relationships - SP
- Has time concepts - SP
- Can sequence events - SP
- Seriates - SP
- Understands part-whole relationships - LP
- Knows spatial relationships - SP
- Recognizes and identifies shapes - LP
- Recognizes and identifies colors - LP
- Sorts by common physical qualities such as color, shape and size - SP
- Identifies physical properties - SP
- Understands graphs - SP
- Can use attributes of measurement - LP
- Rote counts - VS
- Identifies numbers - LP
- Has one-to-one correspondence - SP
- Writes numerals - NA
- Discriminates quantity - LP
- Has a mastery of patterns in varied mediums - SP
- Appreciates mathematical concepts - SP
Prepared by: Teacher Anna Marie Barretto and Teacher Mariel Chen
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