Tuesday, July 6, 2010

PTC Meeting - 1st

Rod and I attended our first Parent-Teacher conference with Joshua's teachers at TLC.  I arrived at the set time with an open mind, willing to listen to whatever the teachers would report and whatever goals they have set for my son.  I had no expectations whatsoever since my son has only been in school for 3 weeks.  But I was very pleased with the outcome of the meeting.

First we discussed the daily activities at school and what they do for every block.  Then the teacher gave a detailed assessment of how my son was doing in class and here are the highlights:

1.  Joshua's favorite toy in class are the toy animals.  First thing he goes to when he comes into class are the toy animals.
2.  He doesn't like being touched initially.  During circle time and it's time to hold hands with his classmates, he'd hide his hands in his pockets (hahaha!)
3.  He behaves well in class and listens & follows instructions well.  
4.  He especially likes listening to teacher's stories and he would really focus on the books, unlike a few of his classmates who would roam around during story time.
5.  Joshua's motor skills have improved a lot.  He can now scoop different sizes of seeds into the different containers.
6.  He has learned to share his toys and snacks with his classmates.
7.  Teacher Anne said that his speech was not delayed, as we initially feared.  He was not able to form words clearly yet, but from their experience, this was not something to be worried about at this stage.  We just need to give him a little more time to start talking.
8.  Finally, he's no longer a leg-clinger!!!  This in itself is a big achievement for my little one since he really is not used to being left alone among strangers.  After the 2nd week of classes, he was fine if we left him in class in the morning.  He'll even blow us a kiss and wave goodbye to us before going to play with his new friends.

I'm really proud of my little Joshua.  Thinking back on our discussion with teacher made me a bit teary-eyed since these are new milestones for Joshua that I can be proud of.  This also means that he's now become a little bit more independent than he used to be.  But he'll always still be my baby.      

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